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Do I need a referral for physiotherapy?Physiotherapists are primary care practitioners, which means you do not require a referral to see one. There are some exceptions to this: Motor vehicle or worker’s compensation clients will need a GP referral If you are receiving treatment under a Medicare Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program, a GP referral is also required
How long are the appointments?An initial physiotherapy consult is 45 minutes, and a subsequent visit is 30 minutes. However, if you have a complex presentation or multiple regions of pain an extended (60 minute) consult can be organised to allow for a comprehensive assessment. Semi-private classes are 55 minutes.
What do I need to know for my first appointment?A new client form will be sent to you prior to your appointment for you to complete in advance. This is for both admin purposes and to allow your physiotherapist to know the basics before you arrive. Please bring (or email) any relevant imaging scans/reports. Wear something that allows your physiotherapist to complete a full physical assessment for your condition.
What does an initial consultation with a physiotherapist involve?1. Tell your story – your physiotherapist will ask questions about your pain or problem(s) and discuss what your concerns and goals are. 2. A physical exam – a thorough assessment of your presentation. This may involve your physio asking you to perform certain movements or tests to aid in both diagnosis and tracking your problem over time. 3. A detailed management plan – your physiotherapist will work with you to help provide the best care for your presentation. This may include a combination of advice, education, hands-on treatment and rehab exercise prescription.
Do you offer clinical Pilates classes?In April 2019, there was a private health insurance reform where some natural therapies (including Pilates) were removed from private health insurance rebate. What was previously labelled as ‘clinical Pilates’ is now called a ‘semi-private physio class’. Rest assured, the physios still utilise all the Pilates equipment (in addition to other gym equipment). The classes are individualised to your rehabilitation needs and goals. All private and semi-private classes require an initial consultation prior. This is both to allow your individual goals and needs to be determined, and to allow you to claim on private health insurance. We recommend clients complete several 1:1 sessions prior to transitioning into a group class.
Does private health insurance cover classes?Yes, private and semi-private classes with your physiotherapist come under your physiotherapy cover. If you wish to check how much you will get back from your private health fund, the item code is 505 for all subsequent consults/classes.
What do I need to bring for a studio private or semi-private class?A full-sized towel, water bottle and socks! Grip socks are recommended.
What is your cancellation policy?Please phone or email the clinic 48hours prior to your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. This allows clients on our waitlist to be given adequate time to make an appointment. A cancellation fee of 50% of the appointment fee applies after this period. For non attendance, a full appointment fee will be charged.
What is Telehealth?An online video consultation with your physiotherapist. We have both physio consults and exercise session options available. Telehealth works very similarly to an appointment in-clinic. Your physiotherapist will ask you some questions about your problem, talk you through completing some tests for their assessment and offer you a diagnosis and management plan. Although no hands-on treatment is involved, what is classified as ‘best care’ for many conditions is often education/advice and a rehabilitation program. Plus, your physiotherapist can walk you through how to self-release and manage your condition – which is pretty empowering!
What do I need for an online consult?A laptop, tablet or phone with video/audio A reliable internet connection A private, quiet space with good light and room to move! For online exercise classes – any props or equipment you have (dumbbells, balls, bands, etc.)
Will online physiotherapy help me?Even though we traditionally view a physiotherapist's role as being ‘hands-on’, this is really only a small part of what we can offer. Education and advice on your condition, identifying contributing factors and provision of an individualised exercise/rehabilitation program are amongst some of the most important things a physio can do – and this can all be done online! Research is showing that online physio services are providing similar, if not better, outcomes for clients compared to face-to-face consults. This may be because it increases the client’s self-efficacy (their ability to manage their pain). There are some scenarios where online physiotherapy may not be appropriate. This is where sending an email enquiry or booking a free 15 minute online consult may come in handy. If the physio believes that the online consult is not appropriate, they can organise a back-up plan.
Is online physiotherapy covered by private health insurance?Yes, if you have physiotherapy cover, most private health funds offer rebates for online physiotherapy. The exception is for online group classes, such as our HIIT class. It is best to check with your individual fund to double-check their stance on this.
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