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Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM)

I am very excited to be teaching Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes based on the Feldenkrais Method at the Eric St Practice from this Wednesday, and would love you to come and try a class, or this series with me.

I have just returned from a holiday in Tasmania and enjoyed some beautiful walks through Freycinet National Park, Cradle Mountain National Park and the Tarkine Wilderness area. The improvements I have gained from my ATM practise made these walks so enjoyable and even with some challenging walks I always felt absolutely fine the next day. Possibly also remedied with the beautiful mountain air, good food and wine and lovely company!

For those who would like to know more about Awareness Through Movement classes, I explain it this way:

I guide class participants through a series of movements directing them to become aware of how they move so that they may discover other possibilities, finding an easier, more efficient, pain-free, or more powerful way to move.

The Feldenkrais Method uses the brain's natural ability to change in response to specific sensory input. This neuroplasticity is central to the effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method.

In this first series, the classes will assist you towards your goals of walking well and moving well. Would you like to walk the Bibbulmun track, on the foreshore path, along the beach, around the golf course, the walks in Corsica, or just to the local café? The more efficiently and comfortably you walk, the more you can enjoy and expand your physical activities. And if you already enjoy a good level of fitness these classes can assist you towards your goal of improving your running technique.

Ever heard yourself “ughh!...” as you rise from the floor or a soft couch, a high step, or clamber up on to the jetty when the tide is low? The awareness through movement classes will help you discover easier and more efficient ways to move so you can eliminate the “ugh!”

Classes commence this Wednesday night, 2nd March, 7pm at the Eric Street Practice. Wear clothes that you can move in, and bring a beach towel. Please phone the Practice (9384 9374) to book in, as numbers are limited by space.

'Copyright 2005, Photography by Rosalie O'Connor'

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